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Signed QR Code in e-Invoicing System

signed qr code in e invoicing system whitebooks

In the e-Invoicing system, after requesting an IRN (Invoice Reference Number) from the IRP (Invoice Registration Portal), the IRP generates a unique QR code known as the ‘Signed QR Code’. This QR code contains the hashed IRN (Invoice Reference Number) along with other essential parameters of the invoice and a digital signature.

The ‘Signed QR Code’ is included in the response provided by the IRP to the taxpayer who requested the IRN for their invoice. This QR code serves as a verification mechanism for taxpayers and tax officers to validate whether the e-invoice has been reported to the IRP and accepted by it.

By scanning the QR code using an Offline App, taxpayers and tax officers can easily verify the authenticity of the e-invoice. The presence of the IRN and the digital signature of the IRP within the signed QR code serve as proof that the e-invoice has been received and registered by the IRP.

It’s important to note that if the signed JSON (data in the e-invoice) is tampered with, the e-invoice becomes invalid, and the digital signature will fail, indicating that the e-invoice has been altered or tampered with. This ensures the integrity and security of the e-invoice system.

The QR code generated in the e-Invoicing system contains the following e-invoice parameters:

  1. GSTIN of the Supplier
  2. GSTIN of the Recipient
  3. Invoice number assigned by the Supplier
  4. Date of invoice generation
  5. Invoice value, including taxable value and gross tax amount
  6. Number of line items in the invoice
  7. HSN (Harmonized System of Nomenclature) code of the main item, which refers to the line item with the highest taxable value
  8. Unique Invoice Reference Number (IRN) in hashed form
  9. Date of IRN generation

The ‘Signed QR Code’, provided in Base64 format, can be used by the taxpayer to generate the QR code on the invoice copy. The QR code should be an integral part of the invoice and must be readable by QR code readers or apps. The size and placement of the QR code on the invoice can be determined according to the preference of the businesses.

To verify the authenticity of the e-invoice, anyone can use the offline app provided on the IRP portal. By scanning the QR code using the app, the information encoded in the QR code, including the signed parameters and the IRN, can be verified. This allows users to validate the e-invoice and ensure its integrity.

The Signed QR code, when it is printed will look like as follows

qr codes

The IRP provides the Signed QR Code for the IRN request in a Base64 encoded format, structured as a JSON Web Token (JWT). The JWT consists of three parts: the signature parameters, the data, and the signature itself. These parts are separated by dots. In the example provided, the parts are indicated in red color.


On decoding Signed QR Code parameter, it looks like as follows

 "alg": "RS256",
 "kid": "115F4426617A7938BE1BA06DBEE91A427584EDAB",
 "typ": "JWT",
 "x5t": "EV9EJmF6eTi-G6BtvukaQnWE7as"
6b959b723a7f2557f4933df9ad6e0aa34c2e08\",\"IrnDt\":\"2020-09-10 12:33:00\"}",
 "iss": "NIC"

To verify the signature of the Signed QR Code, one can utilize the corresponding DS Certificate obtained from the portal. The Public Key required for verification is provided below. By using the Public Key and the provided data, the authenticity and integrity of the Signed QR Code can be confirmed.


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